As your voice in Congress, I pledge to personally read every single bill just as I read the 1,012 page spending bill they passed in 1 day in March! We need to restore common sense and full transparency back to Washington! This is why I have acquired the domain name! If elected, every single bill will be posted on this common sense and easy to navigate website for YOU to read and see what Congress is voting on that will affect your life in some way! We must restore transparency back to Washington and engage YOU in the process. Our founding fathers warned about the dangers of WE THE PEOPLE not being actively involved and engaged in the process!
I will also attempt to get a rule change in place that ALL bills must have a 7 day waiting period for a vote so that everyone can adequately read and understand the full details of a bill. The full bill would be required to be posted online for 7 days for YOU to be able to read and ask questions or give comments on as well! This new state of the art website will be built out in the summer if I am elected! It is currently redirected to my campaign site.