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I fully endorse Phil Healy for congress. His integrity, character, military background, and being a business owner I feel qualifies him for a congressional seat. I have known Phil for over 20 years and I would definitely trust him with my vote to be a Leader in congress. Jim Galli — Jim Galli

I am proud to offer my full endorsement for Philip Healy's candidacy for Congress. Having known Phil for over two decades, I can attest to his exceptional qualities, which include integrity, a commendable military background, and the experience of being a successful business owner. His dedication to conservative values and MAGA principles positions him as an outstanding candidate to represent our district. Furthermore, Phil's commitment to his Christian faith has been a guiding force in his life. Grounded in Christian virtues, such as honesty, purity, and a deep reverence for the Lord Jesus and the Holy Bible, Phil embodies a strong moral compass. His passion for biblical family life, loyalty to fellow believers, and being a fierce defender of the gospel align with the values that our community holds dear. In a time where principled leadership is crucial, Phil stands out as a smart, hardworking, and grassroots warrior against the challenges of globalism. His faith-driven approach, combined with his dedication to constitutional inalienable rights, makes him a God-honoring representative. I wholeheartedly trust Phil Healy to lead with honor and conviction in the United States House of Representatives. Christopher S Lawton — Christopher Lawton
Ron Paul Grassroots Activist 2008-2012

An honest man — Bruce Noble

I am honored to have Former Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul's endorsement for Congress! 

— Dr. Ron Paul
Former Congressman

Phil is the best candidate out there. He is a MAGA Republican and we will be lucky to have him representing our district! Mason Sims — Mason Sims

Phil has been our faithful friend since 1998. He is a man of integrity, who loves the Lord Jesus and the Holy Bible. Phil is grounded in Christian virtues, such as honesty, purity, biblical family life, and loyalty to fellow believers in Christ. He is a fierce defender of the gospel and cares about Constitutional inalienable rights. Phil is smart, hard-working, and a grass roots warrior against the dark forces of globalism invading South Carolina. He would be a God-honoring representative in the US House. — Barbara Wilson

I am proud to endorse Philip Healy for Congress. With 23 years of dedicated military service to our nation and a continued commitment to serving the people of South Carolina, Philip embodies the qualities of leadership, integrity, and unwavering dedication that we need in Congress. Philip has demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues facing our community and a steadfast determination to find solutions. His extensive experience and proven track record make him exceptionally qualified to represent our district in Congress. I have the utmost confidence that Philip Healy will be a strong and effective voice for South Carolina in Washington, advocating tirelessly for the needs of our constituents. I urge you to join me in supporting Philip Healy for Congress. — Peter Wright
Kevin Human

Committee to Elect Philip Healy
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